2018-10-17 10:08:22 UTC
I was thinking about what issues would exist
in loading the 3 MiB GCC above the 16 MiB
line (but still below 2 GiB).
GCC, like all PDPCLIB-based programs, is
designed to switch AMODE prior to executing
an MVS I/O routine. PDPCLIB knows not to
do an AMODE switch when it detects that it
has been loaded ATL.
The I/O routines that PDPCLIB calls have
all been updated so that they can handle
being executed in AM31 and they do an
immediate switch to AM24 to protect the
rest of MVS 3.8j, and restore the caller's
AMODE (31 and 64 both work) on exit.
BFN. Paul.
in loading the 3 MiB GCC above the 16 MiB
line (but still below 2 GiB).
GCC, like all PDPCLIB-based programs, is
designed to switch AMODE prior to executing
an MVS I/O routine. PDPCLIB knows not to
do an AMODE switch when it detects that it
has been loaded ATL.
The I/O routines that PDPCLIB calls have
all been updated so that they can handle
being executed in AM31 and they do an
immediate switch to AM24 to protect the
rest of MVS 3.8j, and restore the caller's
AMODE (31 and 64 both work) on exit.
BFN. Paul.