Mike Schwab Mike.A.Schwab@gmail.com [hercules-os380]
2018-08-14 06:08:57 UTC
B'11' would encode a dash (long).
B'10' would encode a dit (short).
B'01' would encode a short pause (between letters).
B'00' would encode a long pause. One would divide words, two paragraphs,
three or more is end of message, padded to end of byte, word, buffer, etc.
So one character could vary from 4 to 12 bits.
B'10' would encode a dit (short).
B'01' would encode a short pause (between letters).
B'00' would encode a long pause. One would divide words, two paragraphs,
three or more is end of message, padded to end of byte, word, buffer, etc.
So one character could vary from 4 to 12 bits.
Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?
Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?