"I want to drop down to real mode to run them,
on the same device. Consequently, the UEFI specification does not offer
provisions for dual-mode boot. Ultimately, it is up to the implementers to
decide which processor(s) to support. Any implementation that attempts to
an industry wide specification. From the UEFI Forumâs perspective, this
Now you understand why SysWOW64 exists...
Post by ***@yahoo.com.au [hercules-os380]No, I don't have a problem with programs running
in protected mode. Both PDOS/386 and the 32-bit
applications running under it will all execute in
protected mode, and that is already working.
What I want is the ability for PDOS/386 to run
real mode 8086 programs as well. Just like
z/OS can run 24-bit applications too.
but that's not what I want. I don't want to write
a monitor so that I can run 8086 applications,
I want to drop down to real mode to run them,
the same as on MVS you really drop down to
AM24 to run AM24 applications.
BFN. Paul.
So you didn't read all the way...
"In computing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computing, the DOS Protected
Mode Interface (DPMI) is a specification introduced in 1989 which allows a
DOS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOS program to run in protected mode
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_mode, giving access to many
features of the new PC processors of the time not available in real mode
"DPMI allows a program to run in protected mode
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_mode on 80286 series and later
processors and make calls back to the operating system running in Real
DPMI is EXACTLY what you want ... it allows a real mode program to run
while executing in protected mode.
Post by Joe Monk ***@gmail.com [hercules-os380]Post by ***@yahoo.com.au [hercules-os380]What there is a need for is to run the equivalent
of AM24 programs. ie real mode MSDOS
programs. PDOS/386 should ideally see that
a .exe is MSDOS format and step down to
real mode to execute it, before returning to
protected mode."
Yeah ... thats why there is this little thing called
DPMI (DOS protected mode interface). You should
learn about it.
Because MS-DOS (as a standalone operating system) was never updated for 32
bits, nor enabled 24- or 32-bit addressing,
Microsoft didn't see the answer to the 32-bit transition as a 32-bit DOS,
but rather a 32-bit Windows with a completely different (and incompatible)
This is where PDOS/386 fits in - what might have
been if Microsoft had kept the API compatible.
What I actually need is the reverse of DPMI.
A PRMI - PDOS/386 Real Mode Interface, so
that apps running on my 32-bit OS can call
16-bit real mode facilities.
I think. I'm not really sure how it should all
hang together, but PDOS/386 is advancing
quickly now. It's on the verge of having the
same flat address space that MVS has,
meaning my dream of accessing 0xb8000
directly will come to be.
BFN. Paul.